A recognition of Bruins helping other Bruins in crisis
(Photo below: 16 out of 24 winners of the True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. Award 2023-2024)

True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. Award Winners 2023-2024


Dear UCLA student, staff or faculty member,

The True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. program is the result of a collaboration between the USAC Internal Vice President’s Office, Graduate Student Association, UCLA Case Management Services and the UCLA Office of the Dean of Students. We honor UCLA undergraduate & graduate students who take initiative to help a fellow Bruin in crisis. We aim to acknowledge and celebrate Bruins who exemplify our True Bruin values of Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Service and Excellence (R.A.I.S.E.)

Many have difficult experiences at some point in their life; in fact someone close to you might pop into your mind right now. Did they receive help from a UCLA student in some way during a crisis? This project was created to celebrate UCLA students who stepped up to help a student in crisis. We hope that their stories will inspire other students to take initiative as well.

The nomination form will open on November 20, 2024 and will close on January 24, 2025 @ 11:59pm. You will have the chance to nominate a student who has either helped you or helped another student in crisis. Please note, students will be considered for this award if the nomination form describes a specific incident/s of the student helping a student in crisis, as opposed to nominations that describe a student's general responsibilities for helping other students as part of their role in a program, organization or employment.

The person you nominate will have the chance to be selected for recognition, an honor that includes an award with a $50-dollar value, an invitation to a ceremony hosted by the USAC Internal Vice President’s Office and the Graduate Student Association.

Please go to this May 1, 2018 Daily Bruin article for information about the program in its inaugural year.

Important Information

  • Please keep in mind that the nomination forms will be read by students from the USAC Internal Vice President’s Office and the Graduate Student Association and staff from UCLA Case Management Services.
  • Any information relating to sexual assault, stalking, dating/domestic violence or sexual harassment will be reported to UCLA Title IX office per University policy. Please be mindful of the follow-up process if you choose to share information related to those issues.
  • If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at: IVP@usac.ucla.edu, pres@gsa.asucla.ucla.edu and/ or kminero@saonet.ucla.edu Or call UCLA Case Management Services at 310-825-7291.
  • If there is an emergency: Please dial 911 for your local police/ ambulance or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.
  • If there is a concern regarding a student in emotional crisis, UCLA's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has counselors available to talk by phone 24 hours a day at 310.825.0768.
  • The UCLA Police Department (UCPD) is also available should someone need immediate assistance at dial '911' or 310.825.1491 (24 hours).
  • UCLA Case Management Services (CMS) provides support and guidance on how to support a student in crisis. To see resources available, please visit the CMS website and please also view the UCLA Red Folder.


  • UCLA students may be nominated by a UCLA faculty or staff member or a UCLA student who is registered and enrolled in winter quarter 2025.
  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • To receive the award with $50 value, the individual receiving the award must be a currently registered and enrolled UCLA student in winter quarter 2025.
  • An individual may nominate more than one student. Please submit a separate nomination form for each student.
  • There is an annual award ceremony in the winter quarter hosted by the USAC Internal Vice President’s Office, the Graduate Student Association and UCLA Case Management Services. Details TBA.
  • Nominations will typically be accepted in the fall quarter each year.
  • Please note, students will be considered for this award if the nomination form describes a specific incident/s of the student helping a student in crisis, as opposed to nominations that describe a student's general responsibilities for helping other students as part of their role in a program, organization or employment.

Nomination Form

"True Bruins R.A.I.S.E." nomination form

The nomination form is now OPEN (go to link above) Nominations are welcome until January 24, 2025 @ 11:59pm. In order to be eligible for the award, nominees need to be registered and enrolled at UCLA during the 2025 winter quarter. If nominators are UCLA students, they also need to be registered and enrolled in the 2025 winter quarter.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at: IVP@usac.ucla.edu, pres@gsa.asucla.ucla.edu and/ or kminero@saonet.ucla.edu

Or please call UCLA Case Management Services at 310-825-7291

Memories of TBR Award Ceremonies & Award Winners

True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. Award Winners 2023-2024
True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. Award winners who attended 2024 Award Dinner Ceremony
photo of seven Resident Assistants who won the TBR award 23-24
Seven Resident Assistants (RAs) won the 2024 True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. award!
seven members of the 23-24 TBR planning committee (including members of the USAC Internal Vice President's Office and the Graduate Student Association
2024 TBR planning committee (GSA, USAC IVP & CMS)
photo of keynote speaker Dr. Drea Letamendi
Dr. Drea Letamendi keynote speaker for 2024 TBR Award Dinner Ceremony

List of UCLA TBR Award Winners 2023- 2024

List of 2024 True Bruins R.A.I.S.E. award winners:

  • Holland Rhodd-Lee
  • Josephine Blumencwejg
  • Geovanna Ordonez
  • Jewell Humphrey
  • Lauren Cho
  • Shima Sarabi
  • Youseff Essanaa
  • Bennett Shaw
  • Derek Ren
  • Adam Nguyen
  • Sarai Barron
  • Andre Hiwatig
  • Amanda Kang
  • Sonya Brooks
  • Mumtahina Tajrian
  • Oseas Garcia
  • Stephany Cartney
  • Ashlie Dao
  • Madyson Noguchi
  • Euan Elemancil
  • Emma Landry
  • Leyla Anwar
  • Srika Chagarlamudi